Wednesday, March 7

Wedding Wednesday: Lace

Today I am dreaming of warm weather. I am dreaming of sitting pool side and flip flops. Grilling out and tan skin. Today I am dreaming of summer. A time where music sounds better because you can listen to it outside.

It also means dress season. And this year my favorite trend is lace!

Lace is not only a favorite for dresses, but it will be a statement piece for the wedding. You'll see it all throughout the day.

Via Pinterest

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Via Pinterest

Lace is classically, vintage. It's elegant charm adds just enough flirtation to even the simplest things. Wrap it around a mason jar, or sew it onto some burlap and you have a beautiful new (and trendy) look.

I'm excited to see all the different places where we can incorporate lace. I want to sneak it in as much as I can because this is probably one of the only times I will be able to put lace on everything I see and nobody really says anything. Bring on the lace!

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