Monday, March 12


You know those moments that happen so unconsciously and so quickly but drastically change your life forever. Some are good and some are not so good. Well two years ago, I had one of those moments and it changed my life for good. I returned a phone call from a man named Jake and now, in a few quick months, that man will become my husband.

It's one of those moments that I had not expected, nor planned out. It was something that God had been brewing up for a long while. If it had been in my control, it probably wouldn't have happened at all. But, I am so thankful that it did.

In 173 days, I will take a new last name. I will begin a new journey. A journey that is exciting and scary; thrilling and nerve-wracking; awesome and God-inspired. I'll be honest, there are moments where the big idea of marriage is daunting. So often today, we see marriages splitting, unfaithful spouses, selfishness over commitment. And I'm sure that no one intends those marriage to end up that way. I highly doubt that anyone walks down the aisle and thinks that it won't last forever.

I too am one of those people. I believe that we will choose marriage over singleness. Love over hate. Humility over self-righteousness. This is our prayer. This is my prayer. I pray our hearts are prepared for the unknown that is before us. I pray that we turn our eyes to Jesus before one another, our jobs, our money, or another person.

Jake and I may never be a CEO of a hospital, or a top selling author. But if we leave any impact on this world, my hope is that we leave a legacy of love and can show the world how to be a marriage that lasts.

In no means, do I think our relationship is perfect. We'd be the first people to say we have our own points of "uniqueness." But I know that we will try out best and love as well as we know how. And survive each day through prayer, grace and forgiveness.

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