Monday, September 24

saturday mornings

When I was little, Saturday's were my favorite because everyone was home. My parents didn't have to be at work. The kids didn't have to go to school. And on really good Saturdays, my dad would make pancakes. We had no where to be and could hang around in our pj's if we wanted. It was the best.
You see, that type of morning hasn't happened for a very long time. Where we had nothing planned or trying to steal out attention. We didn't have to put together wedding programs or run to Hobby Lobby. We just had to sit and be present.
This past Saturday morning involved drinking coffee out of a mug while sitting on my couch in my house eating breakfast that I made. That has been a rarity in the past few months. But it was so welcome this weekend. I woke up on Saturday at 7:30 a.m., which can be a struggle most days. After a miserable attempt to fall back asleep, I decided to pull myself out of bed. I made coffee. I read. I did laundry. I picked up the house. All while being in my pajamas, still sipping my delightful coffee.
My mister rolled himself out of bed around 10:30 a.m., which again never happens because he is typically the early riser, but it may or may not have been because he stayed up until three the night before finishing the Harry Potty marathon we had been having that week. I, on the other hand, still have to figure out what happens in the last 45 minutes of each movie. Regardless, we drank some more coffee and ate some pancakes, and were happy as two clams.
As much as I love weddings and have loved being a bride, I am truly enjoying being a wife so much more. There is a simplistic beauty that comes with it. No fancy dress, no pearls. Just me and my husband. These are my new favorite Saturday mornings.

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