{ONE} Although it's already been a week, it was still a big highlight. Last Friday, I finally got to have lunch with two of my oldest friends. I have been friends with these two for a long time and since we live hours apart now our visiting is more limited. But Sara, Sophia (Sara's sweet baby girl), Kelly and I spent a few hours at lunch catching up and talking wedding plans for BOTH of them!
{TWO} Speaking of friends, this weekend I am heading to Indianapolis for a baby shower for a friend from college! I also get to meet another friends new baby boy and see some of my best friends from college. Babies, babies everywhere! So so so excited!
{THREE} Our apartment is back to looking like this...

which is totally ok, because that means we're moving into our house soon!!! Words cannot express my excitement!
{FOUR} Not sure if this counts, but I am tremendously pumped for next week. We close on our house on Wednesday!!! AAAH! I can't believe it. It's hard to believe it is actually happening. I'll be sure to share pictures soon!
{FIVE} Shhh...don't tell anyone, but I some how managed to find the first episode of Season 4 of Downton Abbey this week. And of course, I watched it. I am not going to say anything else just in case you are still in the process of catching up (like my mom and aunt). But I just love this show and can't wait until it premieres in the States!

Happy Friday to you!
Yay for moving to a new house soon. What an exciting time. I hope you post some pics. :)
We just bought a house a few months back, congrats! So exciting!
Stopping in from the link-up.
girlie!! spill the downton beans!!!!! the hubs and i were able to watch the first 10-or-so minutes, but we got way too impatient and frustrated when it kept rebuffering every 5 seconds. we are downton obsessed in this fam too!!! :)
Ahhh, I can't wait for Downton!!! I might just have to dig around the interwebs to try and find it ;) Congrats on your new house…exciting times!!!
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