This is Winnie. She is a 7 week old, blondish/redish Goldendoodle. We got her from a breeder about five miles from Jake's house. In case you aren't aware of what a Goldendoodle is...she is half Golden Retriever and half Standard Poodle. In other words, she's going to be fairly big and curly. However, the beauty of this breed of dog is that they don't shed! Which was my only requirement. No fur. I'm too narcotic to have dog hair all around.
So far, she has been an absolutely awesome puppy. Yes, she has an accident every now and then but we've learned its most likely because we stop watching her every moment she's out of her crate. I've learned so much more about puppies in the past 6 days. I forget what Jake and I used to talk about before the Winster came around. Yes, less than a week and I've already given her a nickname.

With these experiences, needless to say, I wasn't too thrilled with dogs.
However, Jake has always wanted a dog of his own. So, after a year or so, we found a compromise. A Goldendoodle; the ability to play Frisbee and doesn't shed. Perfection. And we found Winnie.
We picked the name Winnie because she looks like a teddy bear, which of course reminded me of Winnie the Pooh. Hence, the name Winnie.
Despite all my poor experiences with dogs, I am absolutely lovin' having this puppy in my life. There is nothing like it.